Sunday, June 13, 2010

when all else fails FAITH

Well I don't update here often as it is hard to think and dwell on something that has become part of your everyday norm. Months ago I would have thought we would never get to this point. The point where on the good days life seems "normal" Alot of people don't thin about the ins and out's of having a disabled child. I guess what I come up for air I will be persuing the fact that our local children's deptartment in our local libray is not handicap accessible. Until that point I will enjoy living.

Just imagine you child needing to go to a Dr 9 hours away. You need to take your family of 10 with you. What do you do? How do you come up with the money to do it? How do you camp with your family when tempertures plumet to a nice 37 degrees? How do you get your child in and out of bathrooms? How do you stop to use the potty and the place you stop is not handicap accessible? How are you supppose to wash your child?

DO you take for granted how everyday easy things can become a HUGE problem for a person with disablities?

The answer to all questions above is simple one word answer FAITH and FAITH alone carries you through the tough storms of life.

And Always
Holy one.

We all try to be god try to make our own choices, descision and control our thought and emotions which really is silly. We cannot do that. WE need to trust that the Lord loves us and loves our children more than we do. WOW what a thought!!!! WE donnot in the flesh need to worry about it.

Every feel like throwing up your hands and giving up?? GO AHEAD then give it all to the Lord!!! I am sure He will open a path and a way that was meant for you! I rejoice in knowing this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

ANyone still here

I am writing where the Lord has taken us this year. WOW! In October we were blessed by make a wish and went to Disney WOW it was amazing! I know many of you have probably already seen photos so I wouldn't bore you. Any way. By the time we came back from Disney Bobby could no longer walk or even stand. HE needed to be lifted everywhere including for personal functions. It was hard it is hard to decide what is best for him when you don't have any medical professionals to tell you what has helped others. SO this is what has happens so far. WE got a hospital bed, hoya lift and transferbench. WOW that was amazing!

Now over the past few months we have been saving. CAn you imagine one day waking up and not being able to walk or stand and everything in you home seems to be foreign? SO here are some obstacles we have overcome. Couldn't reach to brush his teeth or wash his hands. For awhile he used a bowl and hand sanitizer. Now with help of friends we have a sink installed that he can pull under PTL!

Another obstacle tolieting. SO we have now installed a new toliet handicap accessible that apparently can eat a hole bucket of golf balls LOL but can it handle our family that is the question LOL. Ok so the toliet is installed yet the Hoya lift doesn't work with the toliet. You can get him on yet not off so still lifting him on and off. WE just ordered the tub and honestly don't have a single dime to install it but it was on sale for $1440!!!! YEs expensive but praying that the funds will become available to install it. It should be delivered soon and will probably sit int he middle of the bathroom for awhile. But I am rejoicing to know that it is paid for no loans no monthly payment just my dh hardwork and my God given ablitiy to pinch pennies. WE know the Lord will open a door He always has and always will. That is a super benefit of being one of His children. You don't need to woory about tommorrow because He has already taken care of it. SO I hope to update this blog more often as we have many thing going on.

Oh I almost forgot we wanted to get a handicap desk big enough for the computer and writing space. WOW have you ever priced those things. SO then we thought if we can find a desk locally and put bed risers under it it might just work. Well we talked to my dh former boss of the discount store that he used to work at and she said she would have the guys look in storage. SHe found the perfect thing. Then she priced the desk about 80% below the original price. Tell me the Lords hand wasen't in that. Alot of times people will ask how do you know the Lord is for real? It is times like these that we see so much that all you have is faith and He lifts you up. If you do not know the Lord it is as simple as this. You are a sinner we all are we have lied, stolen, cused, any many worse things we have fallen short of God's glory. If you can saee that then realize. Jesus died for you and for me so that we might not die but yet be saved. He rose again and is alive and lives in us if we ask for repentance it is as simple as that. Jesus still works miricals today. I see them in my life and lives of many others big and small everyday. I am so happy to know that when my children die I will see them again can you say that in know the truth? If you have a child that dies too soon weather from disease or something like a car accident will you see them again? If you go to a funeral do you know if you will see that person again?

Why are we here? REally what is your purpose in this world?

Where are you going from here? When we are dead and gone and our skin and bones lie in the ground where are we. People on earth will remember you your memories for a time but in the end to your great , great, great grandchildren what will you be a simple dash between 2 numbers. What are you doing right now with your dash? The best gift I can give to my chilren is the knowledge of all these big questions.